Basingstoke Supplementary Islamic School

Delivering quality Islamic education in Basingstoke for 5 - 13 years old children

Basingstoke Supplementary Islamic School  is a Saturday school for delivering quality Islamic education to the Muslim children of Basingstoke. It is currently organised in the building of Cranbourne School on Saturday mornings from 10:00am to 2pm. 

It caters for children of ages 5 to 13 by grouping them into 4 class levels according to age and ability. Each class is taught a pre-designed course by experienced teachers. Some classes also have teaching assistants to help in the classes.  

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Teaching Concepts of Islam

We teach essential concepts of Islam e.g:

Our goal is to make them good and confident Muslims. We share this responsibility with parents. 

Key Features

Happy Children

Fully Equipped Classrooms

Prayers in Congregation

Educational Trips

Rewards Schemes

Parent Governors